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Our Profile

“Adhar Marketting Development Associate” is a Complete Branded Product Marketing Started Under The Visionary Leadership Of Mr. Deepak Kumar , Back Up By Mr. Dharm Nath Prasad (DHARM G) is a Highly Experienced Professionals And Business Entrepreneurs Having An Experience Of More Than 30 Years in the Fields Of Multi – Level Marketing, Financial Advisor, Sales, Marketing, Research And Development, Training And Motivation, Events Management, Training Modules Development, Contents Writing, Learning Tools Development, Administration, Creative Design, Business Development, Concept Development, Social Welfare, Education, MLM Consultancy, Strategy Development, Information Technology And MLM Company Management.

Our Core Values

Our Core Value is to honour all the associates , clients , customers, consumers or anyone who are the part of our organization directly or indirectly. Consumer FIRST is the motivating factor for our entire team.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility is to work with the people on such a type of plans, projects, products, goals and vision which can empower the society with better health, wealth, entrepreneur mindset and bigger goals to create healthy society and pollution free environment.

Our Function

आधार मार्केटिंग मे आपका स्वागत है। इसके माध्यम से आप अपना BUSINESS शुरू कर सकते हैं इसके लिए आपको IBA (INDEPENDENT BUSSINESS ASSOCIATE) बनाना होगा। IBA को एक PRODUCT MRP पर खरीदना अनिवार्य है, जो आपके जरूरत का हो । आप इसे अपनी आय मे वृद्धि करने के लिए पार्ट टाइम अथवा फूल टाइम BUSINESS शुरू कर सकते हैं। आपके द्वारा खरीदे गए प्रोडक्टस की PRICE AUTOMATIC एक SYSTEM के मध्याम से कीस्तो मे वापस मिल जाता है।